I am often asked which order the Smith Family Series novels should be read in.

I have both a long and a short answer for this…

The published order of titles is as follows:

Becoming Mrs. Smith, Stealing Mr. Smith, and A Man Called Smith.

That being said, all books were intended to stand on their own and can be read in any order a reader chooses.

The long answer is that I began writing the stories with only one book in mind and that was A Man Called Smith. I found myself about 1/3 of the way through writing the novel when two female characters began approaching me in my sleep, requesting (ahem, demanding… I see you Bernice) they each have a story told from their own perspectives.

After weeks of disrupted sleep and a bucket load of consideration, I decided to indulge Violet and Bernice and I put A Man Called Smith aside and started to work on Becoming Mrs. Smith.

Note: All That Was is a stand alone novel, completely unrelated to the Smith family.

Happy reading friends!



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